Destinations Top 5 Best Countries for Digital Nomads ReallyRemoteWorker Explore the top 5 countries for digital nomads in 2024. Discover why Estonia, Portugal, Thailand, Mexico, and Morocco are leaders in digital nomad-friendly environments, based on cost of living, fast internet speeds, safety, and innovative visa options. Find your next remote work destination in this comprehensive guide.

Top 5 Best Countries for Digital Nomads

As the digital nomad lifestyle continues to gain traction, more and more people are seeking the best countries to set down their laptops and live a life of adventure.

From countries offering digital nomad visas to those with the fastest internet speeds, there are numerous factors to consider when choosing the perfect nomadic home.

Let’s explore the top countries that are making waves in the digital nomad world.

Factors to consider when choosing Where To Stay

Destinations Top 5 Best Countries for Digital Nomads ReallyRemoteWorker Explore the top 5 countries for digital nomads in 2024. Discover why Estonia, Portugal, Thailand, Mexico, and Morocco are leaders in digital nomad-friendly environments, based on cost of living, fast internet speeds, safety, and innovative visa options. Find your next remote work destination in this comprehensive guide.

Becoming a digital nomad is no longer a dream but a reality for many. Yet the freedom it brings also comes with an important decision: which country best suits the digital nomad lifestyle?

This isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, as it largely depends on personal preference and multiple factors we’ll investigate.

Cost of Living

The cost of living is a key factor digital nomads need to take into account before setting down their virtual roots in a new country.

Spain, Portugal, and Thailand have consistently ranked high due to their manageable cost of living. In contrast, expat hotspots like Singapore and Switzerland tend to require a larger budget.

General Cost of Living Comparison for 2024:

CountryCost of Living Index

Visa Requirements

Another factor vitally impacting a digital nomad’s choice is Visa requirements. More countries recognize remote workers’ value and have started offering digital nomad visas or DN visas.

Estonia, Barbados, and Bermuda have established such visas faster than most. Yet it’s important to remember every country has different requirements and benefits.

Internet Speed and Availability

Fast and reliable internet isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity. Internet speed and availability are key to ensuring a seamless work process. South Korea tops the chart with an average internet speed of 28.6 Mbps, followed by Norway and Sweden. Reliability is even more important than speed, as constant internet outages will impact productivity.

Internet Speed Comparison for 2024:

CountryAverage Internet Speed (Mbps)
South Korea28.6

The best countries for digital nomads in 2024

Destinations Top 5 Best Countries for Digital Nomads ReallyRemoteWorker Explore the top 5 countries for digital nomads in 2024. Discover why Estonia, Portugal, Thailand, Mexico, and Morocco are leaders in digital nomad-friendly environments, based on cost of living, fast internet speeds, safety, and innovative visa options. Find your next remote work destination in this comprehensive guide.

In the ever-evolving world of remote work, digital nomads are always on the lookout for the next best location. Let’s reveal the Best Countries for Digital Nomads in 2024.


Estonia is at the forefront of the digital revolution. It’s setting a precedent for other countries to follow with its Digital Nomad Visa. This visa allows foreign citizens in professions that will enable remote work to live and legally work in Estonia.

With fast and reliable internet, affordable cost of living, and plenty of co-working spaces, it’s paving the way for a new generation of digital nomads.


Portugal, specifically Lisbon and Porto, are renowned digital nomad hotspots. With warm weather, affordable cost of living, and a thriving nomad community, it’s not easy to see why.

It also boasts one of the fastest internet speeds in the world, vital for professionals reliant on secure, speedy connections. There’s also an initiative underway to create a “temporary resident visa” specifically for digital nomads.


Thailand is no stranger to the digital nomad life. With its affordable cost of living, picturesque landscapes, and warm hospitality, it’s a no-brainer for those looking to stretch their dollar without compromising on lifestyle.

The government is also planning a ‘Smart Visa’ to allow digital nomads to work legally in the country.


Mexico has been climbing the ranks of digital nomad destinations. With a laid-back culture, stunning natural beauty, and a cost of living that’s easy on the wallet, it’s a compelling choice.

Its ‘Temporary Resident Visa’ makes it feasible for digital nomads to reside in the country for up to a year.


Finally, we have Morocco. This country’s vibrant culture, warm climate, and ultra-affordable cost of living make it an undervalued gem in the nomadic world.

While it may not have a digital nomad-specific visa, the readily available ‘Tourist Visa’ allows a stay of up to 90 days, and its plan to boost internet infrastructure is noteworthy.

So there you have it. Estonia, Portugal, Thailand, Mexico, and Morocco are shaping up to be the top destinations for digital nomads in 2024. Each offers a unique blend of affordability, high-speed internet, and nomad-friendly visa options.

As the world continues to embrace remote work, these countries are leading the charge in welcoming digital nomads. It’s clear that the fuembracesonly remote but also global.