Destinations The Best Digital Nomad Countries For Families ReallyRemoteWorker Explore the best countries for digital nomad families. Learn about vital considerations like local laws, family-friendly accommodations, and building connections with other nomads. Get wise tips for smoother transitions and making precious memories in your nomadic journey.

The Best Digital Nomad Countries For Families

Embracing the digital nomad lifestyle isn’t just for solo adventurers anymore. Families are hitting the road, swapping the 9-5 grind for a life of travel and adventure. But not all countries roll out the welcome mat for digital nomad families.

In this article, we’ll explore the best digital nomad countries for families. We’ll consider factors like cost of living, quality of education, safety, and the local digital nomad community. Whether you’re a seasoned digital nomad or just starting your journey, this guide will help you find the perfect destination for your family.

Overview of The Digital Nomad Lifestyle for Families

Imagine a life where work ties seamlessly into family life. Digital nomadism for families is just that – a lifestyle allowing parents to pursue a rewarding career while instilling a love of travel and cultural understanding in their children. This freedom is afforded by advancements in technology, providing the opportunity to work from virtually anywhere in the world.

So, how are digital nomad families faring? According to a survey by MBO Partners, an estimated 4.8 million U.S. citizens identify as digital nomads. While it’s commonplace for single individuals or couples to adopt the lifestyle, families have also started to explore this new way of life.

Even though the challenges include finding affordable and comfortable accommodations, ensuring quality education for the children, and adapting to new environments, these families are blazing a trail for a lifestyle that melds work, travel, and family time together.

These families are also benefiting from an increasingly accommodating world. Many countries have started to open their doors to digital nomads by offering special visas and programs to attract remote workers. As a result, several nations have become more welcoming to digital nomad families.

Picking the best country isn’t a one-size-fits-all formula, as what works for one family might not work for another. Hence, it’s essential to thoroughly research and weigh the pros and cons of each country based on your family preferences and needs.

Remember, living the digital nomad life with your family isn’t about constantly moving. It’s about balancing work, family time, and travel that suits you best.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Digital Nomad Countries for Families

Destinations The Best Digital Nomad Countries For Families ReallyRemoteWorker Explore the best countries for digital nomad families. Learn about vital considerations like local laws, family-friendly accommodations, and building connections with other nomads. Get wise tips for smoother transitions and making precious memories in your nomadic journey.

Today’s digital nomad families face what could be called a world of opportunity – and of decisions. Selecting the right digital nomad country for families is a critical task that deserves careful consideration. Here are some central factors these families need to consider when taking this step.

Safety and Security

First and foremost, safety and security are paramount for families. The countries are preferred where crime rates are low, political stability is intact, and local laws are supportive and protective.

Tips for maximizing safety often include researching local customs and laws and registering with national embassies.

Cost of Living

Another practical consideration is the cost of living in potential destinations. Families should seek countries where their dollars, euros, or pounds will stretch further. The cost of housing, groceries, transportation, and additional expenses like entertainment or fitness all add up.

A country might not be the best option even if it has the ideal climate, scenery, or culture, but racking up expenses faster than income can be earned. Some popular and affordable countries for digital nomads include Thailand, Vietnam, and Colombia.

Quality of Education and Healthcare

Finally, access to quality healthcare and education can’t be overlooked. Digital nomad families should ensure that the countries they’re considering offer accessible, high-quality medical care and schooling options.

This often requires research into the standard of local clinics and hospitals, the availability of international schools, and even the potential for homeschooling avenues. It’s recommended to look for countries with a high score on the Global Health Security Index and a commitment to quality education as validated by respected organizations like UNICEF or UNESCO.

As families navigate the complexity of choosing a digital nomad country, keeping these factors at the center of their decision-making process can be immensely helpful in finding a balance that suits their needs and ensures the best possible experience for everyone involved.

The Best Digital Nomad Countries for Families

Destinations The Best Digital Nomad Countries For Families ReallyRemoteWorker Explore the best countries for digital nomad families. Learn about vital considerations like local laws, family-friendly accommodations, and building connections with other nomads. Get wise tips for smoother transitions and making precious memories in your nomadic journey.

As more families opt for a digital nomad lifestyle, choosing a suitable country for a temporary or permanent base can be challenging. Here, we investigate some of the top destinations for digital nomad families.


A popular pick among digital nomads, Portugal proudly ranks high for safety and quality of life. Known for its warm hospitality, Portugal also offers a relatively low cost of living. Besides, its international schools provide excellent education, making it an all-round choice for digital nomad families. These attributes make Portugal an attractive destination, allowing families to indulge in its rich history and beach-laden coastline comfortably.


Another top choice, Spain, houses numerous digital nomads. Its strong education system, low crime rate, and affordable living cost, accompanied by a wide range of recreational activities, truly shine. From the vibrant streets of Barcelona to the sun-drenched beaches of Costa Blanca, Spain provides an enriching experience for the whole family.


Thailand, known for its tropical climate, friendly locals, and affordable lifestyle, has also emerged as a favorite among digital nomad families. The high quality of healthcare services and international-standard schools are added advantages. Thai cuisine and bustling city life make the country a captivating option for families yearning for an adventurous living experience.


With its rich culture and warm climate, Mexico presents an exciting proposition to consider. It’s affordable living, high-speed internet, and colorful local life attract many digital nomad families. An overwhelming number of international schools ensure quality education for children.


Canada is a great option, known for its multicultural society, excellent public services, and stunning natural scenery. With a broad range of outdoor activities and a strong emphasis on education, Canada provides a balanced lifestyle for families seeking change.


Australia, recognized for its education system and first-rate healthcare, is another considerable choice. It’s a haven for nature lovers and offers a wealth of outdoor activities, from exploring awe-inspiring landscapes to surfing renowned beaches. The overall high standard of living will bring a higher cost of living.

South Africa

Finally, South Africa offers a unique blend of stunning wildlife, vibrant culture, and affordable living. Its robust internet infrastructure makes it suitable for digital work. But, families should consider the variable quality of healthcare and education across different regions, and some safety concerns. The varied experiences, from observing the Big Five in national parks to exploring iconic cities like Cape Town, make it a strong contender.

Finding the perfect country to settle as a digital nomad family might seem daunting, yet the enriching experiences these destinations offer promise worthwhile adventures. Research and flexibility, as ever, remain the keys to successfully embracing the benefits and addressing the challenges of the digital nomad lifestyle.

Tips for Digital Nomad Families in Foreign Countries

Destinations The Best Digital Nomad Countries For Families ReallyRemoteWorker Explore the best countries for digital nomad families. Learn about vital considerations like local laws, family-friendly accommodations, and building connections with other nomads. Get wise tips for smoother transitions and making precious memories in your nomadic journey.

Adjusting to a new country can be challenging, especially when the whole family is in tow. With logistics, laws, and lifestyles to consider, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Below are a few tips for digital nomad families settling in foreign bliss.

Research Local Laws and Regulations

Before setting sail to your new home, getting familiar with local customs and laws is essential. Understand tax obligations, visa requirements, vaccination needs, and driving regulations. Each nation has different rules, and it’s wise to respect them. Ignorance of the law is never a defense reason. Not knowing could lead you into trouble.

An excellent resource for this kind of information is the U.S. Department of State, where you can get specific details about any country.

Find Family-Friendly Accommodations

While affordability might be at the top of your list for accommodation, it shouldn’t be the only factor. It’s essential to find locations that are family-friendly as well. Look for amenities like swim-friendly beaches, playgrounds, or family social events. Consider the availability of quality healthcare facilities nearby and proximity to good schools if you have school-age children.

Websites like Booking.com and Airbnb offer filters to find kid-friendly accommodations.

Connect with Other Digital Nomad Families

Feeling connected is vital when you’re miles away from home. Reach out and network with other digital nomad families through online groups or local meetups. They can provide firsthand experience, advice, and logistical support. They might give you tips about the best places or unsaid cultural practices.

Check platforms like Expatica or Internations for local communities and activities.

By handling these aspects, digital nomad families can ensure a smoother transition to their new nomadic lifestyle. The world is big, and as a digital nomad family, you have the unique privilege to explore it at your own pace.

Keep these tips tucked away, and remember that it’s not just about the destination but the experiences and memories you make along the way. Welcome home, wherever on the globe that might be.